Friday, January 17, 2025

Goddess Words 36: Open Door

Since I spoke in my last post about doors "ajar", I figured it was time to look at another of my Goddess words/phrases, "open door". It's interesting that back twenty years ago, I included this in my list, rather close to the top too. Perhaps this was because of my having experienced so many closed doors in my life? That I had to assume that a Goddess-centered world would do things differently? That I would be welcome, not pushed away? That the Goddess would embrace me with love, not reject and slam the door in my face?

In the last few days, a number of related references have come to my attention, including (in Kim Chernin's Reinventing Eve) the notion of Eve as a "gateway" to knowledge, wisdom, self-creation. And having spoken not long ago about open channels, I've been thinking more and more about this. I mean, in a conflict-driven construct, we're all taught to fight. The assumption may be that all doors are initially closed, and that we need to pound, pry, and smash doors in. And once we do, then we can proudly boast that we fought and won, that we succeeded, were victorious, and perhaps saved ourselves and others by bringing the doors down.

But this doesn't seem to me to be Goddess energy on any level. What if Her doors are open to all? What if the door to Her completely loving world is never shut? Why would so many people resist the opportunity to enter Her doors?

It's been my experience that, when you come right down to it, people capable only of the lowest level of Love energy simply cannot stand Love. It is intolerable to them. They may be exposed to Love every day, and yet still be incapable of walking through that door. And even those of us who are more loving may find it uncomfortable to imagine being exposed to too much Love, to imagine being genuinely welcomed. When genuine Love hasn't been a large part of our experience, as much as we might intellectually crave this environment, our hearts may still be too traumatized to bear the enormity of All Love.

Having said that, when you've spent too much time in the purgatorial empty door-lined hallway, when you cannot take the harsh light and the locked doors and the surreal energy one more minute, the rare open door cannot help but beckon. It may seem like a figment of your imagination (or as my brother used to say, a "filament of your imagination"), or a joke. But just to feel that slight "give" when you take the handle, to grasp that after dozens of closed doors, one is cracked open, is a moment for understanding the potential of warm welcome. The potential of belonging. The potential of a real home. A real home is open to you, through an open door.

A sort of funny postscript to this is that yesterday, where I am currently living, a squirrel was literally leaping up near the outside handle of the deck door. It truly seemed like this squirrel understood that the handle was the key to getting in to a warm environment. I hated to be on the other side of the glass door, to be the one keeping the door locked, keeping the wild animal energy out.