Saturday, June 10, 2017

In an Instant

The other day, I was asked whether there was a historical figure I would like to have an opportunity to speak with. Usually these kinds of exercises intrigue me, but it's hard to imagine anyone from the past -- even the most enlightened spiritual figure -- being able to understand where we are "at" right now. Our instantaneous communications alone (cable news, social media, old-fashioned email) would be unthinkable to anyone born before about 1900, and even I (born in the 1950s) continue to find it all futuristic if the truth be known. If I were a guru from an earlier time trying to grasp and comment on this era, the only thing I would be able to say to the 21st century world is, "Don't forget, what you put out there comes back to you." That, arguably, hasn't changed. It's just the speed with which it may happen. In an instant.

I think that's the reason that this is the most exquisitely perfect moment for spiritual growth the world has ever seen. If we can step back far just far enough, we can see how perfectly what we "put out there" boomerangs back to us; we see it happening in real time to prominent figures and institutions. Everything that's happening in the present is the energetic echo of something someone did or said in the near or distant past. We cannot change the past. We cannot change other people. And right this minute, we may not have the energy to change the imperfect "signal" that we're personally sending out to the future. But at least remembering that our only work is with our own signal is a step in the right direction. That's enough for this instant. In fact, it's a tall order, isn't it? Especially on a weekend...