Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A new wrinkle

I am feeling very raw today, and yet perched on the edge of a different reality. These waves have churned up so much wrenching stuff, and yet the mere fact that I can say that in print puts me eons ahead of even a few years ago.

Yesterday, I saw the movie "A Wrinkle in Time." I had not read Madeleine L'Engle's book, and really did not know what to expect, although I hoped it would be inspiring. L'Engle's life and mine have two intersecting circles, Smith College, and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, although I never met her. And her husband, Hugh Franklin, played a main character on my longtime (only) soap opera, "All My Children." 

I wasn't overly wowed by the movie, to be honest. And there were some decidedly "old paradigm" themes and imagery in it involving non-good. But I did like the concept of love being powerful enough to create the "wrinkle" that allows the children to travel through space and time to free their father, and obviously the special effects were extraordinary. Love is the only power strong enough to do anything lasting, really, and you can tell that all involved loved making the movie. So that's a good thing.