Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health Care II

Well, in nearly 500 posts, I have never published a retraction, and I'm not quite doing it now. But concerning yesterday's post, yes, there was an error on the bill I received, in the sense that it didn't give me complete information. I still had to pay the amount on the invoice, but it turned out to be for three sessions of physical therapy, not one. That makes things a bit more bearable, yet still...

Do I believe in universal health care? Absolutely. But I don't believe it will be possible to institute under our current system.

I've learned to trust my body, and to believe that it can, and will, adapt to most outside challenges. It also aligns with my inner reality, which I try to stay very conscious of. I'm not afraid of my body or of I a little afraid of falls and their ramifications? Yes. That seems to have been my biggest challenge; I didn't fall last month, but the IT band problem might have stemmed partially from last December's fall. Clearly these situations absolutely require medical intervention. Ditto, dental work. So we all need something, sometime. I am grateful for good care these last few weeks, but why is it that the minute money enters into any scenario, I feel sick in the pit of my stomach? I just feel better about a love economy, a "I'll do that for you because you are another wonderful human being" economy. In health care and in other scenarios.