Tuesday, January 7, 2020


I love the word and the concept of  "epiphanies," whether in the religious construct, the literature construct, or just in life. And this year -- 2020 -- seems like a good one for them. I am sure we'll all get sick of references to clear vision and clarity this year; yet I love the prospect of a clear-seeing year. Eyesight is particularly precious when your glasses correct 20-800 vision to near 20-20. In the new year, I wish all of us the ability to really see and understand what is happening.

Sure enough, almost as if on cue, the news gave us something to lurch us into clarity, if we're ready for it. For me, putting aside the particulars of this current event, it's just a case of, when will we (the human race generally) get sick of conflict? All conflict? When will we wake up from this nightmare of duality? The curse of the "versus." Conflict never ends when you believe there is a frightful "other" with whom you must fight. I am so done with it all, the revenge, the retaliation, the reaction, the lines in the sand, everything done in "response" to something. Will this be the year that we finally grow out of this paradigm?

Maybe I was born with it. Maybe I developed it because of being a choral musician and artist; I don't know. All I know is that I can only seem to see and tolerate a unified field of harmony and beauty. I have no room in my 60-something life for conflict of any sort. In situations where I realize I am or have been angry (writing my book is bringing some of this to the surface), this is my internal issue. I am responsible for the pain I feel, and I need to heal myself and walk through the epiphanies I am having, not lash out at others.

Not everyone is there yet. But those of us who have "re"tired from (or are just plain tired of) the world of conflict have an excellent opportunity this year to model non-reactive action. We can use this rocky historical moment to release the beauty and harmony hidden in our cores, in our own ways. We can choose to model true creative power, not destructive reprisal.