Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Intense Days

These have been intense days, on every level. 

Hurricane Helene has been unbelievably deadly and destructive. Those of us not in its path ought not turn our heads away, or feel any relief, because the next natural disaster could happen anywhere.

Having said that, I still find myself troubled by reporting of these events. Whether directly or indirectly, I hear an implication that Nature is at war with human endeavors...that the primary "disaster" is the destruction of homes, businesses, infrastructures, and lives. And yes, millions of lives have been turned upside down. But as someone who feels physical pain every time I see a bulldozer at work, and who is so distressed by plastic that I can barely spend more than ten minutes in any grocery store or pharmacy, I suggest, once again, that the disaster is working both ways. For hundreds, thousands, of years, we have not honored the needs of the natural world. We have not sensibly prioritized the health of the natural world. We have used and overused the natural world. We have, I guess, thought that we were "in charge", when in fact, Nature is in charge.

In my own mind, I find myself marveling that people aren't turning in droves towards honoring the Goddess, but then reality hits me in the face. I had hoped, while I'm back east for whatever period of time it should turn out to be, to speak to several groups (who know me) about my journey to the Goddess. So far, there has been no interest in that. I had been excited to see that there was a local Goddess-themed retail shop, and I couldn't wait to visit it and see if it might lead me to other kindred spirits. But when I showed up at the front door, it was locked and blocked -- clearly out-of-business. Ultimately, I know that I am a leader and that the time has come to magnetize -- not seek out -- friends and helpers. It's hard to feel like a powerful magnet when you keep moving and moving, but I have to believe something is happening here which I don't yet see clearly.

One last note about these intense days. It is my impression that since I was last in this area about six years ago, the amount of car and truck traffic has doubled, and that people's driving speed has almost doubled as well. As was the case in Northern Minnesota, the amount of new construction and development is noteworthy, almost overwhelming. There is a frenzy to it all that goes way beyond the desire to finish up by snowfall. Maybe we are subconsciously trying to build up new infrastructures in Place A to replace those lost to floods or fires in Places B or C...

In the midst of the intensity, a calm feeling comes over me when I look at it all through the eyes of the Goddess. She knows how all this will unfold. Higher dimensions of love and beauty will dot the new landscapes before our eyes...but rebirth is intense, and will continue to be.