Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Goodness Me

You can tell I am a million years old, because my "expressions of mild surprise" are the ones my crossword puzzle clues call "archaic" or "old-fashioned" -- "goodness me", "my heavens", "egad", etc. In a nutshell, I sound like my grandmother. 

Well, such is life. I wish grandma was here right now, although I don't think there is any way on earth she would have made sense of a COVID/artificial intelligence/online world. She died almost forty years ago. It was another era altogether. She painted oil paintings, hooked rugs and did needlepoint. 

It is frigid in northern Minnesota, for the moment anyway. Honest to goodness, -25 degrees F windchills kind of thing. I'll get out later today when it's slightly warmer to deliver some homemade cookies to a community organization. That, for the moment, is my "grandma" activity, grounding and sweet.

What can I say? Everything I see on the news, in advertising, in the world, seems literally insane. Unbearably so. I'm starting to understand why contemplatives and anchorites and hermits are what they are, why I am what I am. It's not to avoid evil, or "the things of this world". It's more to be able to align with oneness, to be in the one place where you can live with what you know to be the truth. The duality-/conflict-driven world makes no sense whatsoever. The pain of watching suffering is excruciating, but for Aquarian me, what is even worse is not being able to make spiritual sense of it. My brain tries so hard to understand, and when things don't make sense, it is hard to connect to the world. There's such a chasm between duality thinking and harmony/unity thinking.

So...heavens to Betsy. What a time we are in. I'm not making light of it...indeed, I think it is a major turning point. But all I seem to be able to do about it today is channel my inner grandmother. My tools are things I can feel, like baking ingredients and wooden spoons and wool and old-fashioned paper Christmas cards -- once I get off the computer!