Friday, December 3, 2021

The Movie

Well, the pandemic isn't in the least funny, but I guess you have to find the odd humorous aspect. Last night, I watched TV around news time (I confess to having reverted to this habit just to hear the headlines and know the basics of what is going on) and on the screen in big letters were the words "The Omicron Variant". All I could think of was, it sounds like the title of a Hollywood thriller or a dystopian novel, and yet it is not fiction. It is our reality.

Every time I hear words like, "We are fighting this virus and will win," I cringe. I know I'm probably one of only a handful of people in the world who see a direct correlation between this escalating fight and the pandemic seeming to get worse, so I say these words with a sense of resignation, not in an attempt to persuade. I know all involved are doing their very best with what they were taught. And "fighting", ingrained in our psyches and belief systems, is happening all across the spectrum of responses to these interlocking events. It's almost like we are reading from a movie script, one side fighting for more masks and more protections, the other side fighting for freedom from masks and regulations. The energy of the whole event is agitated, angry, fearful, distrustful, and combative. It's not the kind of movie I have ever chosen to watch, that's for sure.

So in the middle of it all is little old me, wearing a mask, getting my shots, doing only the errands I absolutely must do, and saying, please, oh please, can we release the need to fight? Can't we just train ourselves to heal and love?