Monday, February 20, 2023

Goddess Words 17: New

The word "new" is used in so many contexts, I can hardly claim that it is uniquely of the Goddess. Countless religious, political, entrepreneurial, and other human developments, institutions, and inventions make a claim to being new, fresh, evolved, exciting, and forward-thinking, especially at this point in history. We are almost overwhelmed by newness sometimes. I see advertisements on TV for merchandise and technologies that I seriously cannot understand at all! I may have moved past the point where I can take it all in. In case you ever doubt my appreciation for human inventiveness, it is very much there. I could never have thought of, much less constructed, most of the building blocks of modern life. I honor that impulse in us, much as I think we've skipped a few important steps.

On this New Moon morning, then, what could be said to be the unique "newness" of the Goddess/the Divine Feminine/Mother Nature? I think of it less as the one-by-one linear development of individual things, and more as a never-ending all-connected stream of love and growth. Everlasting renewal, perhaps. Nature pushing ever-outward, into more intense layers of love and beauty. Death and rebirth, waxing and waning, ebb and flow. Out of the so-called "death" of one thing comes new life...there is no finality to life or death. I mean, it's oddly comforting to me that the "new" things of the Goddess are really as old as time, like the new moon. 

I return, I guess, to old paradigm linearity for a metaphor that came to me this past weekend. I have the impression that, for me, 2023 will represent my "graduation" from, let's say, my master's degree in "life", and my entrance into a PhD program. Whether it will literally mean a move from Duluth or not, it will have that quality...I cannot get the new degree at the old university. It takes a lot to scare me, but fear has definitely been rising at the notion of even one more major change, whatever form it ends up taking. And yet to keep learning and growing (important to this Aquarian), I need to have the courage to step up the ladder once more. It may even, literally, involve "graduating" in June, having the summer "off", and then starting at the new place/activity/"school" in the autumn. May I be inspired by humans all over the world, courageously facing new realities, both wanted or anticipated and...not...