Tuesday, May 7, 2024

New Moons

More and more, I am treating new moons in somewhat the same way some religious groups treat (or used to treat) the Sabbath -- not so much as a day of rest, per se, but more like a day where I engage less with "the world as it is" and more with "the world I think we are entering". If possible, I spend little money, do only errands I can walk to, do things I love (like writing!), or things that are creative in an old-fashioned way, like knitting or baking. Many people don't have that luxury, and I am conscious of my age, "retired" state, and privilege. And to some extent, this is the model for how I am trying to live every day. This use of my time simply makes me feel more aligned with the Goddess.

Just a quick update. So far, I haven't been satisfied with the outside options I might have turned to, to process the anger I recently referred to. It seemed like I might have to reach just too far backwards into the old paradigm to do it, especially as I was fairly successful on my own in transmuting old emotions into new alignment. However, I'm still open to forward-looking assistance, and I'll keep you posted.

I was reminded again of a related thought, listening to this morning's news: focusing on love (and trying to take actions only from that place) isn't just Pollyanna-ish silliness. I truly believe we have entered a time where the only steps that will move us forward (or "work") are ones taken from a place of love. And when we cannot genuinely love, perhaps the best transitional step is to nod a blessing to the people or situations, acknowledge that our contrasting energies are too far apart to productively engage with each other right now -- and move on.