Saturday, February 11, 2017

Well, well, well...

As a college friend of mine used to say, "that's a deep subject."

Another extraordinary week. There seem to be more people engaged and alert to what's happening than perhaps ever in my lifetime, certainly since the late 60's/early 70's and Watergate. And we are engaged in such a different way thanks to technology. It's immediate. Visceral. Huge.

My belief in the validity of the law of attraction is only getting stronger in light of current events. In the present,"like is attracting like," people- and belief-wise. But I think there's a historical "boomerang effect" happening too. Issues, passions, and prejudices that were put out there dozens, even hundreds of years ago but not fully resolved seem to be returning to us in some kind of odd, modern iteration. All of this, all of it, is human energy, and communally we are sending boomerangs out now which, themselves, may take decades to circle around and come back to us. This means none of us have the luxury of sustained negativity if we care about humanity's future. Our personal "energy" every day not only influences our personal lives now (I believe that too much anger and outrage can attract illness or accidents) but also the world for years to come. I don't have children, but my friends do, most of humanity does, and I'm trying to re-channel my negative emotions for their sakes. The good news is that there is passion in negativity, and that passion, when channeled positively, is the greatest power in the Universe. Several times a day, I try to rise above our current momentum, and allow myself the privilege of seeing the bigger picture, spiritually, historically, ethically. And I try to really center myself in my power as a woman. What does it mean to be me, not "me reacting"?

Just to let you know, my dear old computer, which almost died two months ago and then returned to the land of the living (bless it!) seems to be showing its age again. Should there be a break of more than a day or two in my writing, I hope it will indicate that I am scrambling to find a new one. May I publicly say that this computer has been a lifeline, a gallant old guy trying to keep up with a lot of changes. It has meant the world to me, and indeed has started me on this new life of blogging. I honor it today, with immense gratitude.