Wednesday, April 5, 2017


This has been an extremely hard week to be human.

It's made even harder when you don't even understand, on any level, the impulse to fight, maim, or kill other people. If I genuinely understood or personally grappled with these impulses, perhaps the scenario in front of us, the struggle of civilizations and peoples, would at least make intellectual sense. Aquarians like me need to understand what's going on in order to take part in the game of life. But since I don't understand, and really never have, I am even finding it hard to cry. I know one thing; the Goddess/Mother Earth/Gaia must be in tears. Too many of her children are choosing appalling options.

So the following would seem to be a strange thing to focus on today, but here goes. In much of the reporting of the Supreme Court hearings in Congress, there has been reference to an option that one side will use later this week. Yes, that option, the "nuclear" option. Why is that provocative term being bandied about at all, much less in this situation? Clearly, most of these lawmakers don't espouse the law of attraction, because if they did, they would know that they must watch their words (and even more, the feelings behind those words). What goes out will eventually boomerang back, either literally or metaphorically. This is the worst possible moment for such bluster.

I've tried to figure out what is to be gained by using this terminology. Who is impressed? Millions of us are not. These lawmakers took oaths to follow certain laws and rules, to follow precedent, and to work together to effect change. All this is, is a certain side threatening to change the rules when it looks like they might lose, and wanting to be seen as heroic in doing so. We have all had the experience being the wise adult when a toddler melts down over losing a game. The tantrum? "That wasn't fair! I should have won! I'm going to change the rules!" Do wise adults say, "Good on you for going nuclear!!!! Good on you for screaming and yelling and losing your temper! You're right, dear, you should always win! The other child should always lose!"? No, wise adults patiently explain that in games like this, sometimes one person wins, and sometimes the other person wins, and that's life. New paradigm parents might even say, "You know, you're right. Let's find a game where everyone wins." But rewarding hysterics with the notion of one permanent winner, no.

In all the scenarios this week, it just seems remarkably simple. There's an easy option. Do no harm. Do not hurt others or glorify hurting others. Do not use the terminology of war. In politics, economics, medicine, entertainment. Anywhere. Ever. Period.