Wednesday, April 12, 2017


OK. So, I wasn't originally going to post again so soon, and then I changed my  mind but it was to be about something different. Then I encountered the most amazing video. I hope you will find it. It's a short presentation by sociologist and life coach Martha Beck called "The Pyramid and the Pool: why things are better than they seem."

All I can say is, "yes." Yes. That's me, in the pool of water down below the pyramid of sugar cubes (our current paradigm), just trying like crazy to be authentic and let my little light shine, and I'm sure that's many of you too. In her metaphor, the sugar cubes of structure will simply melt gently into a new pool of consciousness. That's the transformation right now.

Definitely watch this and see if it speaks to you. Part of me is tempted to say, thank you, Martha, with this video, my work here is done. But you know me too well. I'm sure I will find more to say!