Monday, May 22, 2017

Something in the Air

There must be something in the air. Last week was just about the most intense of my whole life (and that's not even taking into account anything in the news!) Somehow, Mother's Day opened up a previously blocked channel to my heart, and revelations and emotions have come rushing in.

One was major. Big. Huge. It was almost like walking onto Times Square, looking up at a billboard, and seeing three words large as life and knowing instantaneously that they are the belief system that has held you back, probably throughout this lifetime and even earlier ones. I could see how this belief has steered many decisions I have made, and magnetized most of my life experiences. It is so big that some of the things I was on the verge of talking about in this blog may have to wait; I know I am going to need some help from a compassionate counselor or spiritual advisor to walk through upcoming weeks, and articulate a new, more constructive and self-loving core concept. I also want to give thought to how this discovery might help me help others.

The gift of it is that I already feel lighter. I know I can change the belief, and I am already catching myself just as soon as I fall back on it, Eeyore-like. As a first step, I'm just gently reminding myself that this belief is being updated. New "site" under construction.

If this revelation had come to me in time, I could have gone to reunion after all, and proudly held up a sign saying, "I've finally identified the personal belief that has been holding me back all these years!" For a lot of alums, that might have been considered just as tangible and desirable as a house, a career, and a car. Ah well, just wait till our 45th or 50th... 

When I can, I'll tell you the three words, and, more importantly, the re-write.