Saturday, July 8, 2017

A Week of Revelations

Recently, I've spoken about how pieces of my life's "puzzle" have been slowly and steadily falling into place. Over the course of the last few days, that pace increased crazily, as if the Universe decided to download a lifetime of understanding in one week. It has been intense. I know that I have been a bit vague with the details, and to some extent this is unfair to my small but loyal clan of readers. But I'm just trying to sort it all out and decide when and how (through this blog? a book?) to articulate it.

But as I write this, on this humid, grey Saturday morning in July, I feel emotional yet at peace with myself in a way I don't believe I ever have. I think maybe I'm finally looking at my life completely through my own eyes, and from the prism of my own values, and feeling a kind of divine love and acceptance that just wasn't possible when I looked through the eyes of others. I am not, in fact, a mess; I have been really true to my own inner core all along. It is so liberating to realize that, not in my head but in my heart. I don't know that I can really articulate this except to say that my heart is smiling. Yes, it is smiling.