Monday, July 3, 2017


It is a little hard to know what to say on this Fourth of July extended weekend. Perhaps it is one of those times when the less said the better.

So what I will say is, there is one thing that continues to give me hope and courage in this strange era, and that is the inspiration I derive from America's most brilliant, independent, wise and creative female thinkers and writers. I've mentioned some of them in past blogs and undoubtedly will mention more in the future. When I hear something on the wind, a whisper or a tune of loving visionary beauty, it is almost always articulated in a higher register. I may hear American women's voices more clearly because of proximity; this is surely just the tip of the iceberg of women worldwide, women who want the best for all humanity.

I don't usually attend fireworks these days. I'm like a dog, I guess, hiding under the covers. It reminds me too much of war. But I will always honor that small inner spark of true independence within myself, and in everyone.