Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Eyes PS

This morning, it occurred to me to say something important. I hope my readers realize that my primary purpose in writing this blog is to chronicle the events of my journey, and the life lessons I have learned from it. It is not in any way to recommend living as I have -- indeed, I wouldn't wish decades of "hanging on for dear life" on anyone in the world. And I wouldn't recommend putting off any medical/dental/visual treatments that are right or necessary for you. Most of my automobile driving was done back between 1990 and 2010, when I owned a car much of the time and stayed current on eye exams. However, I haven't had a car since then and have kept a license only so that driving would be an option. I haven't driven at all for months, and am beginning to wonder whether I will ever want to again, but not because of my vision, more because of the use of natural resources. That is, as they say, a whole "nother" story.

The point is that I hope someday we will all look back with horror on this era, when people were forced to make choices between their health (or that of their families) and any other crucial factor, be it food, housing, education, or simply following one's genuine inclinations and passions. I hope we will shudder at the fact that health care was tied in any way to the profit motive. I hope we will be shocked that we lived for so long in a society that expected people to take jobs largely for the health insurance. (Indeed, dental and vision coverage are often not even included.) Surely this whole model must be on its way out.

Until then, we are all doing our best. But if possible, follow my eye doctor's instructions and get these wonderful miracles checked once a year. The moral of my story yesterday was that you may get good news!