Monday, February 4, 2019

Sparkles on the water

Today's post has no gates, although I've walked through some small garden ones this week.

It may be this strange half-light of recovering from an injury, or it may be just me being me. But over the last few weeks watching world news, I cannot help but just be stunned by the basic misunderstanding that is generating events. I believe that most of the people in this world belong to one "family," the family of sparkling souls who have chosen earth for our temporary home as we learn more about the celestial music, and the powerful stream of love that we float in as the sun warms us. All this stuff about dividing everything up and separating people and drawing lines is so artificial, so spiritually unsound. There's that whole thing about looking at the photographs of earth from space. There isn't a straight line anywhere in that image, is there?

Yes, there are a small minority of folks who cannot hear the music, never sparkle with joy, never feel at one with the other droplets of water, but we can try not to buy into their vision. It's not easy being fearless about the future (said by a woman who is barely fearless about putting one foot in front of the other these days!) but I do believe that in a generation or two, sparkles on the water, love and joy will be the norm -- not fear -- and that belief sustains me as I roll with the river.