This, it turns out, is something of an update to a blog I posted back on October 24, 2018 ("Lifetimes"). There are mornings when I know I am semi-repeating myself, but either I cannot find the earlier blog or just feel led to write on, regardless. Anyway, you might want to check it out.
I think we all have multiple lifetimes. It has never made sense to me, the idea of having one lifetime and then, bang, that's the end of it (unless you go to heaven or hell). The lovely thing about visualizing life as a single stream of positive energy is that as beings, we are fully part of it eternally, and we can leap onto the earth plane or, for that matter, other planes, and out again, and still be part of "Source". Talk about "getting into the stream"!
I said in the 2018 post that I knew I had to have had many previous lifetimes; I'm fairly sure at this point that most of them took place in England. It's the only thing that explains the intensity of my connection to that culture, history, music, art and landscape. What is new in this time of COVID and this month of a more spiritually-structured life is that I am ready to fully accept and articulate (as mind-blowing as it sounds) that I have had lifetimes in the future as well. In this current lifetime, I've simply been a deer in the headlights. Our culture seemed so outrageously brutal, so "of" an earlier era, that it was simply unnavigable. When my peeps saw me at a standstill, they said, "Come on, Liz, just accept this reality. It's the only one". I simply didn't have the heart or courage to say, "No it's not the only one. I've known others." But the time has come now to say it: I lived (and possibly helped to create) a future Goddess-centered world, and even further down the line, the era when human men and women live and work together in true partnership (Riane Eisler's books are helpful here). That high level of collegiality will only happen once we have been reminded (for maybe a few hundred years!) of the power and value of women's innate strengths, intuition, intelligence and New Paradigm leadership ability. That leap in human consciousness is on our doorstep, and yes, as a result, the next few decades will be extremely challenging. Then, in a few hundred years, a subsequent leap upward into true male-female creative collaboration will be more challenging still.
All of us knew, at least in outline, what this time period would have in store for us, and we joyfully jumped into the stream anyway. If, like me, you sometimes feel you have a "memory" of a time when life was fairer, less brutal, more loving and collaborative, and more beautiful, perhaps some of your "past" and "future" lifetimes are coming into focus now too! Hang in there. Try not to despair about what is in the news now. If you "remember" these better times, then you are already paving the way for their return. You are re-membering. It is extremely important work.