Friday, January 27, 2023

Goddess Words 16: Creativity

"Creativity" came up as my card yesterday, and I realized that it's on my Goddess list but that I hadn't yet included it in this series of posts. No time like the present.

This is another topic that cannot possibly be covered in a few paragraphs. All life (on the smallest microscopic level out to the growth at the far edges of the universe) is the result of creativity. This creativity is a constant force, a musical sonata of movement, the transmutation of love into form; even form's death and rebirth are a kind of creativity. No matter how we personally define the Creator, powerful natural acts of creation are everywhere we look. 

In this lifetime, I never brought children into this world, so I don't feel I can begin to do justice to this primary form of human creativity. For the moment, I will leave this to others. So I'll touch briefly on the manifestations of creativity that I know: creating art, music, essays, crafts, food and baked goods. To the extent to which I know how to love, I think that most of my creativity has had love at its core...the love of beauty, the process of sharing love, beauty, and wisdom with friends. It's reasonably easy to see love and beauty in the great works of art, the great symphonies and choral pieces, novels, beautiful architecture, furniture, poetry, you name it. In the kinds of economies our human societies have tended to favor, heck, you have to love your creative pursuit because in too many cases, you may never earn money from the activity itself. It is, literally, an act of love. And when love is involved, it is really co-creation with the divine, the Goddess's passion flowing through an open channel.

Recently, I've been agonizing over the fact that human ingenuity and creativity also undergird the making of a host of dangerous products: guns and other weaponry, the negative uses of technology and science, the non-compostable products that are clogging waterways and landfills...Is this the same creativity? Is it as valid? For me, it isn't, if objects or creations are not made in a spirit of love. If they are made in a spirit of fear (or non-love), at the very least, I do not see these forms of creativity as originating in the Goddess. They have a whole different energy, don't they?

I am finding, as I enter what I presume is the final stage of my life, that, with the exception of this blog, I am not quite as compelled as I used to be to create physical creations. It has been a while since I have painted or done any singing, and even the cookie-baking I do as a weekly donation to a local nonprofit isn't quite as enjoyable as it was even a year ago. Is this due to my age? Does it mean that I am not sharing love or beauty with the world? I hope not. I think all of us who "do no harm" and try to elevate our spiritual energies are creating the foundations of future, more love-based societies. Such vibrations may even be visible to some extremely sensitive people. So, if we are temporarily or permanently creating less on the physical plane, I believe that our passions are "creating" on the spiritual plane. We are contributing to one of the biggest rebirths in earth's history. If we are open to the Goddess, Her love is flowing through us and communicating to people in a host of subtle ways. And a great deal of creativity may also be necessary in the simple act of living, moving forward, as we transition to higher harmonic levels.

Gosh, this hasn't done this topic justice, but it is the best I can do today! Thanks for your patience!