Thursday, April 13, 2023

Goddess Words 19: Readiness

So, it's funny how the word "readiness" showed up on this list at least 15 years ago. At that point, I was still trying so hard to be normal, to be able to keep a living space, car and job going, and I was only on the earliest cusp of getting a personal handle on what Goddess-centered living might be about. Somehow, I must have intuited that it would involve being ready for the unexpected. Starting in around 2010, I began to live with far more readiness to change direction. And that's been my life ever since!

I don't like to focus on what things are not, but in this case I guess I need to. "Readiness" does not involve fear. It does not involve hunkering down, hoarding, weapons (absolutely not!), completely cutting oneself off and keeping people away. There are no compounds, no walled fortresses, no protecting oneself.

But in these coming months and years, as waves of increased love bring our planet to a new spiritual and environmental level, a certain kind of readiness will be important. Perhaps a better word is "flexibility". Although some people may be called to be almost as nomadic as I have been, I wouldn't wish it on most people. It has been hard, hard, hard, and even a more fluid world won't make such constant transitioning  easy. Perhaps it is more about mental and spiritual flexibility and readiness. It's about understanding that a more love-infused world is going to work much differently than our world does now, and to expect many changes. It's like, "I may be called by the Goddess (Nature, the spirit of the divine feminine) to move unexpectedly in a different direction. I need to be ready, in a love-filled way." For people who have homes and properties, it may not necessarily mean physically moving. But readiness will mean looking truthfully at one's environment and possibly taking sensible, modest, precautions, like insulating or doing foundation work. Some might consider growing more food, or using space to create beauty and art, or taking in a roommate who is on one's energetic wavelength. Readiness may mean gravitating increasingly toward peaceful "entertainment" and sports, or new ways of teaching young people or working in the community. It may mean holding to ever higher bars of integrity and fearlessness, even in the face of fearful narratives in the world.

And for some, it may mean the readiness -- if called from one's inner truth -- to make serious, major changes, inner or outer, in order to welcome new vibrations of love. For some, owning less and being able to make spontaneous changes will be right, but only if it feels right! Some people will stay more rooted and model the permanence of love energy, a new kind of connectedness to Mother Earth.

Being ready fearlessly is enough of a new paradigm, we all may need time to let that concept sink in! Blessings on all of us today, as we do that!