Tuesday, April 11, 2023

It's Freaky

I am more than overdue to do another Goddess word, but it's going to have to wait a few days. There are just too many freaky things going on.

So, literally, two days ago, I was still having trouble walking on the streets and sidewalks because of ice and iced-up slush. Today? It may make it up to 70 degrees F, which is extremely unusual. Snow is melting faster than I have ever seen it. We are skipping (at least temporarily) over the only kind of weather I enjoy, sort of a temperate 30-60 degrees F. Poor old Mother Nature, what extraordinary efforts she has to make to return earth to some kind of balance in the wake of our thoughtlessness. The rapid melting is uncovering tons of trash, which was either plowed down the street during blizzards or dropped by people figuring things would disappear into the snowbanks. I keep going out and picking up the next layer, trying to get this stuff into trash bags before it goes down the storm drains straight into Lake Superior.

Everything seems freaky to me right now. The notion that people believe they will be safer owning guns. The notion that a suicidal person would think it's appropriate to bring others down too. The notion of ever-expanding economies and cities and spheres of influence, without built-in ebbs. The notion that all this plastic will somehow disappear and never come back to haunt us. The notion that we can ever truly "win" any battle.

To navigate these freaky moments, it always comes back to the same thing. Breathing. Appreciating the beauty right in front of me. Honoring what I know to be true. Looking at the sun glittering on the water. Helping out a friend who fell and is laid up. Life, love and beauty.