Saturday, November 11, 2023

Goddess Words 23: Home

Not too surprisingly, I have struggled with this post. When you have never had a permanent home, when you've spent so (relatively) little time in the country (or the creative field) where you originally felt most at home, it's an uncomfortable, sharp-edged concept. Then, when you look out at a world where growing numbers of people are homeless, displaced, exiled, on the move, and in despair, you realize how completely unwieldy the "issue" of home is...not to mention all the damage we humans have done to our earth home. I wrote a long essay yesterday, but I just completely erased it and am starting again.

I mean, in the end, when you are Goddess-centered and post-duality, there are few "homes"/energetic matches here on earth, in the current paradigm. Over the decades, you may be tolerated, looked at crosswise, kept on temporarily, seen as a figure of humor, or even feared. But once people come close to understanding who you are, very few can fully welcome you. Because in the end, for me, "home" is less a physical place than it is an energy of genuine welcome. Genuine delight in your presence. Genuine acceptance. It's hard to be fully accepted when you represent a reality that doesn't really exist yet.

Of course, it works both ways. It's been hard to be loving, to put down roots (or work effectively in any manner) in a world that is so violence- and hatred-driven. It is like being a seed tossed down on a parking lot. There are so few spots where the tendrils of love, beauty, joy, and harmony can take root...virtually none, at times. I myself have been in despair, and had no option but to go out on the road to regroup, over and over and over. Yet by the time I wrote my "The Words of the Goddess" list in the early 2000's, I clearly had begun to see Her values as my "home". I had clearly begun to understand that I had volunteered for the exploratory, scout-in-the-wilderness role I've played these last 68 years, wrenching as it has been. I suspect that many decades from now, when the values of the Divine Feminine have finally taken root, "home" will have completely new meaning for all of us. We will understand that we are of Her, and of our beautiful planet, whatever is left of it by then...We will also understand that everyone we meet is playing the role in this grand drama that they signed up to play, and we will warmly welcome them -- at best, with genuine love and delight, and at the very least, as necessary and valuable teachers. We will understand that this is their home too, and never send them away.