Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It only took a second...

The last few days, I have continued to think about "the man behind the curtain." More accurately, I have thought about Dorothy's response to the epiphany that is thrust upon her when Toto playfully pulls aside the curtain.

I mean, this is a young lady who has been through a lot. Her house flew through the air and landed in an alien landscape. She's met new friends, true, but she also fought the Wicked Witch of the West, and was attacked by terrifying flying monkeys. Only seconds earlier, she stood before the supposed face of the "Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz" in fear and trembling. She was a powerless mortal standing before an almighty power.

Then, presto, that terrifying magician is revealed to be a fake, a shaky old man barely taller than she is. When he admits that he's The Wizard, she looks straight at him and says, "You're a very bad man," to which he replies that he's actually a reasonably good man, but not a good wizard (!) 

I just love the fact that it only took a second for her to take that growth spurt from shaky supplicant to confident young woman. Dorothy tells the Wizard the truth about himself, but she doesn't actively attack him in frustration or rage. Despite her disappointment, she takes his pathetic reality in stride. After a journey like hers, nothing daunts her...not even his balloon taking off for Kansas without her. Because in the end, the point of this journey was not to meet someone outside her with the power to arrange the one-way ticket back to Kansas. It was for her to learn that she had the power within herself to get home. Her own passion was her power. Her strong desire to go home to her loved ones was her power.

Dorothy is my heroine right now. As curtains get pulled back on many of our so-called realities, may I stand tall, stay calm, tell the truth, and turn my focus from disappointment to what I love. And please, dear Universe, someday soon when I am settled enough, bring me a nice little dog like Toto! I'd like that.