Friday, October 21, 2016


Something that has been a big part of my life over the last few decades has been pet-sitting. Dogs and cats. Now, I'm not actually a huge lover of animals, but I've become more and more of one over time, and it seems that usually they love me a bit like children do, because I don't make a big fuss over them. Pretty quickly they come to me, and yes, I warm up to them. Right now, what a solace, to spend time with "people" who love but don't speak. We're all hearing too much talk.

Last post, I alluded to accepting my power to choose, and yes, I accept that I have chosen a life of gigs like this cobbled together rather than "a real job," despite the obvious lack of security. I've done it for many reasons, some of which I've spoken of...basically, I can't think of any "real job" that, at midlife, I want, or any institution I would be effective in representing. I am too independent and outspoken. I have a larger goal that I want the freedom to up and achieve when I can, and I love my freedom. I also love that I focus on small jobs for people I love, sometimes with their pets who I love (or develop a love for.) It has been my experience that most Americans are just stressed beyond the breaking point. They need someone helping them from time to time to keep the wheels rolling. Enter me, or people like me.

A quote from Mike Dooley, who is one of my favorite Law of Attraction authors, is making its way around social media. It says, in effect, that taking responsibility for our choices is the beginning of power.  My moments of fury or frustration are fewer and farther between nowadays because I've learned to say, "I am choosing this. I have chosen that." This isn't because of a bad economy or the world is against me or no one hiring me or the fault of potential employers. I have chosen autonomy. If I haven't learned to thrive in this situation, well, I have chosen that too, and can learn new lessons when I am ready.

So this weekend two old girls, me and an old dog, will hang out together. I get to love her as if she were my own, and my friends' house as if it, too were mine, just for a few days. It's a better solution at their end than a kennel, and it's nice for doggie and me. Have a good weekend folks, and find your own old dog, or equivalent!