Friday, September 1, 2017

One whole

This is a rather challenging moment to focus on anything. 

The flooding in Texas, and even worse flooding in parts of Asia, is a reminder that we are part of one whole. I was horrified to read that Houston basically has no zoning laws. Despite a long history of flooding, sprawling housing developments and retail strips have gone up willy-nilly, covering up wetlands and greenspace. You can't "pave paradise and put up a parking lot" (thanks Joni Mitchell) and then expect no consequences. A story in Wednesday's New York Times spoke of how the city is having to face the notion of limiting unlimited growth; I hope that we all begin to understand that message in the broader context. There is literally an ebb and flow to everything in life. If we push our earth home too far, it has to push back. There's nowhere else for it to go either.

I was sorry to hear of the death of Louise Hay, who has influenced so many millions with her book, You Can Heal Your Life. While I didn't spin the mind-body connection quite the same way she did, I agree with her that health conditions and accidents stem from the quality of our energy within. Her publishing house and its authors are at the forefront of new thought in all aspects of health and spirituality -- and I gather that Hay's "career" in this area didn't start until she was 50. How inspiring is that?

When our spirit is out of whack, it affects our cells. When one cell in our body is out of whack, it affects the whole body. Doesn't it make sense that this is the case with our earth home? There's so much preaching out there, and I don't want to add to it...we are being given so many opportunities to sit up and take notice, though. I hope we will.