Monday, September 11, 2017

Storm Surge

Despite myself, I was mesmerized by the coverage of Irma. I don't know if it was the suspense of it, or the spiral shape of the radar and satellite images, or the metaphor/life lesson aspect of it. And I don't know Florida at all. The only cities I would have been able to locate on a map before this weekend are Orlando and Miami, so I had no personal stake in the storm. It's just that it was monumental, and it was nature being nature. The storm's power was literally awesome. 

Human lives were completely upended, at least for the short term. This morning, the assessment begins in terms of property, life, and infrastructure damage. Yet something keeps gnawing away at me. And that is that what from a human progress standpoint is a disaster, or destruction, or devastation, may be, from nature's perspective, re-organizing, returning to balance, a simple release of energy. I don't see it as nature's anger, rather nature's attempt to keep earth habitable for future generations of plant, human and animal species, a simple attempt to keep conditions on this delicate planet within that narrow habitable range. 

I know I have an irritating (even to me) propensity for trying to see things a different way, but I guess there's this little part of me wondering, how do we spread our arms wide and say "thank you"? As storms surge over us, even in our individual lives, where is the gift? Personally, I don't want to hear one more comment about "Mother Nature's Wrath." I think, paradoxically, she is trying to keep us safe, and wake us up to what needs to be done to keep ourselves part of this unique earth picture. Yes, dear life force, I am watching and listening, mesmerized.