Monday, April 23, 2018

Back, sort of!

Well, you know how it is when you've been sick. You start to feel better, and throw yourself into one or two normal activities, and are fine for an hour or so, and then you collapse into a heap. In fact, I was thinking about how even a seasonal cold/flu manages to take away all those aspects of health I was feeling grateful for ten days ago. You can't think clearly, see clearly, breathe clearly, walk further than the tea kettle, even hear clearly. It's a temporary situation, but it is enough to remind you how fortunate you are most of the time.

The scenery outside isn't quite yet conducive to springtime rebirth...the ground is still brown, the trees still leafless. But in the last few days there have been little hints of green grass, and I saw a crocus yesterday for the first time. A few days of warm temperatures may be all we need to bloom again.