Thursday, June 21, 2018

"The Call"

Last night, I had the opportunity to teach some singers Ralph Vaughan Williams's beautiful, simple, glorious hymn "Come My Way, My Truth, My Life" ("The Call" from Five Mystical Songs, with words by George Herbert.) 

As you know, one of the things about my life has been the huge rift between "English church music" me and I suppose you might say the more organic, feminist, American me. There's been so little overlap between "my music" and "other music." The group I was with comes together regularly simply to sing for the joy of singing -- no performances, no sheet music, and no religious construct. Someone had suggested that I find a piece to share with them that might help bring these two sides of myself together, and it was a good idea. I've so rarely led singers, and leading when there are tears in your eyes is hard. But I think they loved the piece, especially, as I do, the words...

Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart
Such a Joy, as none can move
Such a Love, as none can part
Such a Heart, as joys in love.

My other memory of this hymn is that about eight years ago, when I had been completely away from church music for decades, I walked into a cavernous Gothic-style Episcopal cathedral and sat at the front, near the crossing. No one else seemed to be around, and I fumbled through the hymnal, and decided to sing this hymn. However imperfectly and rustily, my voice rose up to the roof and reverberated. I cried then too. I like the fact that I sang it alone that time, and in community this time. Perhaps all of this is connected with my call, but I won't worry about that this longest day. Let us all "joy in love" on this summer solstice.