Tuesday, July 3, 2018

From the road

Just two quick notes from the road. 

I really, really recommend a little prayer or affirmation before each day, giving thanks in advance for safe and smooth travel. Yesterday, not only for about two safe hours in cars, but also being one of literally a small handful of riders on one cool intercity bus; the second bus was full, but mysteriously, even though I was one of the last ones on, I got two seats to myself near the front without elbowing people aside or anything! Grateful, grateful.

Secondly, I have this observation, having seen a large swath of the northeast in one day; if human beings were to disappear from the scene tomorrow, I estimate that it would take a mere decade or two for every last trace of humanity to be covered over by trees and plants. It seems to me that every single roadside was far more densely "tree-y" than I ever remember, and plants and weeds are encroaching on roads. Probably less money is being spent on grass-mowing, giving nature a chance...

I'm in a wonderful temporary "harbor" and like everyone, trying to stay cool. Have a safe fourth, and keep the fireworks at a distance (in every respect)!