Monday, October 8, 2018

The Statue that is Me

Yet again, a woman risks all to come forward to articulate her truth, and yet again, the world rolls on as if nothing had happened. If this hadn't been my whole life story, I might be able to just roll on, myself, but it has been my life story, just in different arenas. Am I angry? Of course. But that's the point, I've been tired and angry and depressed and frustrated and confused by it all for a lifetime. Most of this has been in reference to people outside myself, people who have chosen (or have no choice but) to be cruel or violent or dismissive or fear-filled. I've tried to understand, to facilitate, to provide a positive model, to take the high road, to make sense of things, to study the history, you name it. I've stayed on the margins of life because I couldn't bear the heartless energy of our institutions, yet I still lent it all validity by agreeing that it was "reality" and giving it much of my focus. So much of my life energy has gone to the statue that is them, and so little to the statue that is me.

As I try to understand a world beyond dualities, I guess today all I can do is try to get beyond "versus." "And" is the word of the day. Yes, I acknowledge that there appear to be two very different perspectives on the world, that they both exist and are at odds. Today, rather than focus on the statue that is them or fight that statue, I acknowledge that their statue exists, but commit to the statue that is "me." I'm removing the veiling that has covered this statuesque creation, and the tape over my mouth. I am knitting the pieces back together, and forming or re-forming the beautiful, powerful body of this work of art. I commit to creating beauty, harmony, and a sense of peace around me. It's not about ignoring that other, already-crumbling statue. It is about knowing with certainty that it is crumbling because of its very nature, and that the best thing to do now is focus on the positive qualities that have some chance of helping earth and its people to survive into the future.