Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Grace of These Times

The word "grace" isn't one I use a lot, either in the superficial sense (elegance) or the theological one (God's favor). But I can't think of another word at the moment, and am using it to mean "hidden blessing" or "spiritual gift". 

I cannot think of a time in my life when so many stunning things were happening at once. Most of these things are stunningly hard, stunningly life-changing, stunningly (and visually) like a punch in the stomach. Miles of cars stranded on a frozen highway, thousands of overfull hospitals, neighborhoods burned to the ground or blown away with the wind. Earlier generations couldn't observe these events from the air as we do. Our bird's eye (drone and satellite) images are hard to "unsee". Perhaps we are at a point in history where we need to see the enormity of things, the larger patterns. The images shouldn't be unseen, or unfelt.

Where is "grace" in all this? It seems like the contrast between "love" and "not love" is becoming clearer by the day. I feel it energetically, that's for sure, and am less and less interested in focusing on (or fighting) humanity's "not love". There is a gift in being able to feel love/gratitude/harmony/beauty/etc. at all in these times. 

And as far as climate chaos goes, if you see it as Nature struggling to keep earth habitable for future human generations, then there is "grace", too, in these events. There are moments when it is so hard to see our reality through the lens of "only love", but this is a teaching moment for the whole world. The lessons are coming thick and fast, aren't they?