Friday, May 27, 2022

A generation or two from now...

What a painful week.

A generation or two from now, the humans who exist on Planet Earth will not look back at this time and wonder about our laws, our politics, our mental health issues, or even, per se, our use of firearms.  What they will find perplexing is the fact that this late in human history, so many people still had a duality-driven set of beliefs, an "us vs. them" mentality that encouraged fighting, violence, and death. People will look at our country with particular bafflement, even astonishment. Americans have used unprecedented freedom to create...unprecedented tragedy.

It's not that violence and weapons will be disallowed in the future. It is just that people will understand from within their connection to others (and Nature). It simply will not occur to them to hurt any other person or the earth. It is not that people will "stop" violence or the use of weapons or the spread of any unwanted phenomenon. People will simply know that they, personally, must heal their personal inner divisions, their personal anger, and their own personal brokenness, and create a haven of unity and love in their own selves, rather than try to fix or punish others. People will know the folly of trying to prevent violence by using the threat of more violence.

Where I am currently living, I have access to the British "Antiques Road Show". Recently, I have often turned to this program for a little bit of solace. It involves people in a beautiful setting, looking at (generally) beautiful objects, learning about crafts and art and history. I get to see my spiritual home "for free" at a time when I have neither the means nor the COVID-inner comfort with long distance airline flights. So imagine my reaction (I think it was Tuesday evening or Wednesday) when the episode I turned on happened to be filmed near the Somme, in northern France. The entire episode was devoted to memorabilia of World War I. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But it's the truth of our human construct, isn't it? Or it has been. And the way to move beyond this construct isn't to fight duality, or to stop violence; it is to become "non-violent"/unified to our very cores.