Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Shaking and Shivering

I said last time that I've finally reached the other side of the Grand Canyon, and staggered onto solid ground, after tip-toeing across a high wire for 66 years. I'm shaking, shivering, and rather incredulous about having survived. Even in less tumultuous times, the world seemed to be calibrated to completely different values from mine. The energy it took to keep going and (in effect) not look down, was almost superhuman. And yet, thousands of women, children and elders in Ukraine are having to muster even more strength than that to survive what has been a relatively short war. And for no other reason than that certain people insist on having "power over" them.

Looking into that abyss I just crossed, it seems to me that is the common denominator down in the black hole. Power over others. There are people and institutions which insist on power over others, enriching the self, being on top and quashing those below; and then there are those of us who see power as something organic, coming through us upward, to enrich the world. These two ways of being are completely incompatible. Really, they are. Energetically, there is no overlap. And the problem being, fighting those with power over us only heightens their power over us, and/or makes us more like them. It can never be the solution. 

So, knowing that, as I start to brush myself off, comfort myself, reach a point where I am no longer shivering and shaking, I will move forward with as little reference to the "power over" crowd (male or female) as is humanly possible. I mean, I was trying to do that all along, only I didn't fully believe in myself or in the validity of of love, beauty, truth, and "nonviolence" in a broken world. People were always saying, "get real." Operate on the wavelength of the powers that be. I tried to do it, without success. Heck, I've never even been able to imagine wanting power over others! Since we are leaving a duality construct, and there is no "power over" in unity, perhaps I'll finally know what it is like to walk on solid ground.