Saturday, July 16, 2022

Saturday Self-Expression

There are so many things to write about, I am having a hard time limiting myself to every three-to-four days...and of course, I don't really have to muzzle myself, do I?! I think I've continued to try to spare my small handful of readers (kind of, "they won't want to read these deep musings on a daily basis...") But, of course, this is me, again, putting the assumptions I have of others (which may well be wrong!) ahead of my own instincts. When you are the daughter of an off-the-scale narcissist, it is a daily balancing act between complete self-effacement and complete self-absorption (to save yourself from erasure). A third path is slowly surfacing, which is measured, valid self-expression on the Goddess's listen to Her and stop worrying about the after-effects of Him. 

So, yeah, I could say more about "ownership", but what is there to say but that the only "owner" is Nature? And I could point out yet again that anything you fight gets bigger, in a week of news that is all about fighting: fighting the new surge of COVID, fighting high prices and inflation, the fighting in Ukraine, fighting racism, each side fighting the other on abortion, fighting flight delays, fighting high temperatures, fighting forest fires...even my beloved England is unusually hot, and there are fires all over Europe.

Instead, this.

If all of this is about our world making a rapid transition to a higher spiritual/physical plane, emerging out of duality and conflict into a finer, more unified construct, then one thing I have been expecting and am really noticing now is changes to my own physical body. Maybe some of you are going through this too. On the one hand, I feel as "old as the hills". In the morning, I move around like Frankenstein. I don't have the strength that I used to have, and I worry constantly about potential falls. I'm doing old lady things to try to stay safe, reach things easily, and find shortcuts. Yet, in other ways, I feel younger, renewed. When I stand up, I feel taller than I have in recent years. A bit more statuesque.

Then there is my hair, which for all intents and purposes I have ignored since the start of the pandemic. In those two-and-a-half years, it has grown. And grown. And grown. It is now far longer than it has ever been, about halfway down my back. Not only that, but with the exception of white hair around my face and white streaks and strands here and there throughout, the overall color is a deeper brownish-red than I can ever remember. I broke down and had it trimmed two days ago, and the stylist asked if I've recently been coloring it or adding highlights. Absolutely not. There is something so wonderfully liberating about this fiery head of long hair. It's as if on some level, the cells (I almost said, "souls"!) in my body recognize that this is a universal turning point and, on balance, they want not only to survive but to thrive, to really live. To buck the trends. To put passion out there in a non-hurtful form. To be unforgettable, potentially beautiful. I've never thought of myself as beautiful...

It will be really interesting to see what happens to all aspects of being-hood as we humans move away from conflict. (Believe me, despite appearances, most of us are starting to do that, and soon won't have any option but to do so!) Physically, all this fighting has sapped us and caused disease. Our physical bodies may start to operate a little differently, the course of some illnesses may run in unexpected ways (for good or ill) and even our looks may change. It will become less about using outward products and procedures, and more about the vibrations we produce...How we "express" ourselves, on Saturdays and every other day of the week.