Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Goddess Words 11: Wonder

There are a variety of definitions for the word "wonder" in both its noun and verb form, and I'm sure we have all used it both ways. When I originally wrote this list of Goddess words, I probably had the noun in mind, but today I think both are useful. Wonder is closely related to "Awe", which I wrote about six weeks ago, but it is usually seen as a slightly warmer or less off-putting emotion.

Having said that, I look with wonder at the photographs of southwest Florida. Wonder and awe. The truth is that Nature is completely awe-some, and worthy of respectful wonder. I feel the heartbreak of the many thousands of people who have lost everything, perhaps even family or friends, and more than many people I can empathize with that feeling, "I have nothing. What on earth do I do now?" And I respect the courage of those who declare that they will start over from scratch, and rebuild. But it's that rebuilding that stops me short...these storms are largely Nature's effort to restore balance to a system we have set off-kilter. Rebuilding will be a catalyst for more powerful storms, just as more air-conditioning units are a catalyst to higher temperatures. What we humans are doing to "fix" the messes we have created is only making the situation worse.

The artist in me finds a visual beauty in the aerial photos of the destruction. The subtle patterns of the "after" pictures have a different appeal than the "before" ones. But more than anything, what is so compelling is the evidence of Nature's power. She is simply more powerful than any of our human efforts or creations, and until we "get" that as a society and start to have the humility to include Her in our planning, no amount of rebuilding will have permanency.

As a verb, the word "wonder" may be really helpful right now. Rather than panic, simply wonder. I wonder what Mother Nature would want us to do right now? I wonder what steps I can take to live even more lightly on the earth? I wonder how the next few decades will unfold? I wonder if I can be more loving, even in the midst of tragedy? I wonder if I can do more to embrace of Goddess values and the power of Mother Nature?