Friday, October 21, 2022


Today's post piggybacks on Wednesday's, in a way I couldn't have envisioned that day, or Monday, when I made a passing reference to the possibility that I have no "tribe".

Over the last few weeks, to the extent to which I "pray" to the Goddess, it has been one prayer: Please, let me find my tribe. Those people who are on a spiritual, intellectual, creative and visionary wavelength with me. People who I can plug into, and the electricity flows. People who understand my unique mix of interests, and welcome me. Wherever they are. Please, please. In these last few weeks as rebirth was clearly happening, and a little more authentic energy was flowing, it has been clear that writing this blog and getting out for errands (or even potentially a volunteer or paid job) will never be enough. And it's also become clear that most of my dearest friends aren't necessarily part of my tribe. That doesn't lessen the love I feel for them, but it does mean that we may not speak the same specific language, and I need to speak the same language as someone!

Forgive me for speaking in generalities for the moment, but I have just made arrangements to listen to a few lectures this weekend and next that really excite me, and are sponsored by people who have been on my radar screen for a few years. Unfortunately, between COVID, not having my own computer at times, and several other factors, I never really connected with them. But on Tuesday I followed a search thread rather quickly and rediscovered them. I don't know for sure if this is my tribe, but there is at least the possibility, which feels wonderful. No matter how much of a hermit or contemplative you become, you need a community. In fact, it may be all the more important when you are a hermit or contemplative!

There is no question in my mind that this leading is the energy of the Goddess propelling me in a direction where I can more effectively use the totality of my gifts. It is support. A building block of my expanded self. Even if only one new door opens from several hours of lectures, it will be a step forward, and it came because I asked, and finally loved myself enough to care whether I find my tribe and fulfill my potential.