Thursday, October 13, 2022

The Power of Choice

This is going to be very short.

What would our world be like if, many thousands of years ago, humanity had chosen to follow a more unified, love-based, Goddess-centered, earth-based spirituality? I cannot know for sure, but I suspect that most of the ills plaguing us right now would either not exist at all, or barely exist. Would we be as technologically advanced? Probably not. We would have moved ahead much more slowly and thoughtfully, with careful, loving attention to the needs of our neighbors and our earth home.

There is little point in too much "what-iffing". Humanity developed as it did, and we are where we are. But it is time for taking more personal responsibility for all our choices, and trying not to blame other people, the government, companies, or other institutions. I chose to buy this item made of plastic or wrapped in plastic, I chose anger at someone who thinks differently than I do, I chose to benefit from our economic construct (or not!), I chose a retirement portfolio that may include companies that do things I don't believe in...etc. We may feel like we have very little power in the face of all that is happening, but we have more power of choice than we think we do. We can individually choose different options throughout the day, as hard or inconvenient as that might be.