Friday, December 30, 2022

Year's End

The very end of the year can be hard for me, even more than the "holiday season". I think it is because, like most people, I look back to assess what these twelve months were all about, and most years it's hard to see any major changes in how the world is operating. If anything, the wall of conflict seems to be more impenetrable than ever. I no longer even understand the fighting impulse. Trying to function as a post-duality person in a duality-driven world doesn't, ahem, get any easier...

Last week, I heard a chipper young woman recommending ways to fight climate change in the New Year. Sort of resolution-style. I cringed. Oh dear, dear people, everything we fight gets bigger! I truly don't believe there is an exception to that. To "address" climate change, homelessness, addiction, illness, mental illness, poverty, prejudice...we can only work on ourselves. We have to look beyond generations of conflict and create unified, harmonic constructs within our own lives and let the ripples move out from there. If conflict ever worked, historically, it will do so less and less going forward. Fighting gives the impression of acting powerfully, but all it does is extend the fighting. It's a closed, hopeless circle. 

I'm actually glad that the fighting construct falls down when it comes to the weather. I mean, nothing Buffalo's citizens could have done would have stopped the blizzard last week, or led to "victory over" the storm. Nothing our government, industries, or people can do will completely "stop" hurricanes, tornados, and the extreme weather phenomena that we will all experience in the near future. The three days before Christmas were actually terrifying here in Duluth -- the temperatures were below zero, and the winds were wailing from the northwest, making for wind chill temps of -40 F and worse. For the most part, we didn't receive new snow, but the old snow was blowing around and one was constantly conscious that any moment, we could experience a power outage. Freezing to death is always an under-the-surface fear in the winter here. Thankfully, our power held, but it is only through positive action (power companies and local officials trying to work proactively) that we are spared the worst. It's not like some kind of huge screen can be built to prevent the wind from hitting us! 

I mentioned a few blogs ago that my 2023 resolution is to speak ever-more-honestly and powerfully here in this blog. To do a better job of speaking for the Goddess, I guess you could say. I have, on the best of days, only a handful of readers, and a case could be made for stopping this endeavor entirely. As I have said before, it's a consideration almost every day. But this is all I have to offer right now, my golden thread gift to the world, and I just have to hope that even if no one is reading, the energetic vibrations are birthing a little tiny bit of new life.