Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Women's Intuition

As my readers know, I have been relying very little on outside sources for my observations and thoughts. In that sense, I have gone completely against my extensive education, journalism experience, and even the preferences of some of my friends. Why is this? Well, the more I have experienced a "way of knowing" that comes from within me, and the more I have come to trust it, I just simply haven't wanted to mess it up with a lot of other material. I guess you could say that I want a clear channel to my own divine messages and impressions. When I was younger, such "women's intuition" was largely dismissed, and probably like many women, I hid my inner wisdom. But in a world on the brink, it's like, if not now, when? It's not the perfect term for women's right brain/immediate/creative ways of knowing, but we need to get it out of the closet, brush it off, and start honoring it.

So, in the news there have been two really interesting and, to me, discordant reactions to this month's extreme weather events. As ever, I don't expect anyone to agree...I just put out "the message I am getting" for people to consider.

The first was hearing that there are efforts being made to sue states (and I presume other institutions) for having put populations at risk by not preventing global warming. This makes me sad on several levels. First of all, conflict of any kind will only add to the chaos, unnecessarily. Second of all, this is the final act, if you will, in a long "play" where institutions all over the world have not adequately honored women, the feminine face of the Divine, or our earth home/Mother Earth/Gaia. This situation has been building for thousands of years, and ultimately is about ways of thinking more than ways of acting. I mean, we have acted as we have because of what we thought and believed. It would be far more powerful right now for a handful of new people to believe in honoring the earth, and to start to act from that place of love, than for entire populations to fight each other, in court or elsewhere.

And I keep hearing phrases like, "once we get global warming under control" or "when we find solutions to climate change". Ditto above! Our current ways of believing and acting cannot provide "solutions" to the monumental place we are at. I say "place" rather than "problem", because there is so much more going on here (including graduation to higher levels of universal love) -- and if we fight every manifestation of climate change, we might also block the entry of new waves of love. I'm so sensitive to narcissism these days (yes, even my own!); somewhere in the midst of all this transformation, we have to remember that humans are not the highest (or only) power in this scenario. We are not ultimately in control, much as we would like to be.

That's how my personal women's intuition is speaking today.