Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Goddess Words 25: Boundless

I have to confess to just having added this word ("boundless") to my old list, which is rather absurd given that there are still at least 100 words that I haven't mused upon yet in this blog. So why add "boundless", and why today? 

A mere six days into this month, and I already feel happier, more spacious, and more at one with myself and the Creatrix energy of the universe than I did a week ago. I worded it in my handwritten journal as having come home to my true nature. Of course, what this also does is make me aware of the ways in which my unlimited potential has been cut back at every turn, by myself and the world around me. It's like, my abilities could fill the spiral Guggenheim museum all the way to the top, but I've only hung, say, twenty paintings on the bottom floor. All of a sudden, while I'm not in a panic exactly, I'm conscious that this realization is coming very late in the day. 

So I searched my original list to find something that described Her enormity, endlessness, eternality, all those "e's", and interestingly enough, I never included one. I suspect that back when I penned it, I was more interested in my personal manifestation of Goddess qualities, or that of other women. I wasn't thinking Universe-wide, which now seems crucial. In the end, the love powers that created (and continue to grow) life-as-far-as-it-reaches aren't limited by gender, but the divine feminine is all I can relate to at the moment, and "She is boundless".

What does that mean? Simply, She has no boundaries. In Her construct, there are no lines in the landscape separating people or places. She has unlimited creative power and agency. No one can stop her (for long) from flowing out love, change, and new growth. She is not bound, not enslaved, not pushed down -- by humans or by any other influences out there in the galaxy. Her true nature is love, beauty, intelligence, and creativity on a grand scale. She is not stoppable. She is powerful beyond anything that we can imagine, and she wants us to share in that power, not fight it or each other. 

There are nearly 4 billion women on this planet. It horrifies me to realize that if I, with all my early advantages and essential privileges, have only a few "paintings" in my enormous gallery, what about all the other women in the world? Many may have struggled to survive long enough to hang a single oeuvre, if that. Many women live in countries where even dreaming about self-actualization is impossible. In some places, there may not even be a word for the concept.

If I am attempting to far more fully exemplify the Goddess by the end of this month, what will it mean on a personal level? What would it mean for me to be "boundless" and eternal? As usual, I have to focus on my inner thoughts and beliefs, how I have remained chained and bound "in there" leading to limitations out here. For this short time at least, I need to try to be as "post-limitation" as I am "post-everything-else"! Age, relative lack of funds, and fear may be trying to bind me, but I can choose to be boundless. When any of us do this, it isn't a selfish act. I do believe we help all the women of the world.