Tuesday, February 20, 2024

In the Future?

I wrote something down in my handwritten journal the other day which I feel I need to share. In the past, I would have tried to convince myself not to do so, that it is too "out there" (which it is!). But this re-birthday month, in the world in which we find ourselves, is not a time for putting things off.

I've often thought that I have had at least one lifetime in the future, and one of my wisest friends thinks so too. So as much as possible, I think these following ideas are mine, based on experience (or at least, on my intuition about how conditions in our world will change), but I have no doubt that others have written or spoken similar ideas. I suspect they aren't original in that sense. And it isn't a thorough list. Articulating these points is helping me understand even better why our world as-it-is was so difficult for me to navigate! There were other realities at my core. Anyway, I'll put them out there in the exact words from my journal, to take or leave. In the paradigm we are entering/the Age of Aquarius/the return of the Goddess/a higher, more harmonic age...

We could "astral"/energetic travel (not need cars, planes, etc.)

We could create or co-create with the Divine at-will most items, and in a form that would recycle or compost

We would be more telepathic -- for most, no telephone, email, etc. would be necessary

We would need no laws, lawyers, as there would be little-to-no conflict

We would only need doctors to set broken bones, etc. No need for most other medicine and medications, because people self-align

We would live more communally and not need untold numbers of new houses every year

We would need less food/fuel

We would need no money, because people "worked" in the best field for their gifts and love what they do

We would need no armies, police, laws, insurance, or "anti-" anything fear-filled

We would not "own" property, so there would be few such disputes

That's as far as I went...I seem to have focused on the areas of human endeavor that I found most painful, but I have already thought of new things for the list, which I'll have to save for another day. I share what I have, not by way of saying everything in our world is "wrong" so much as to say, we are rapidly outgrowing so much and I believe these are the kinds of conditions we will find in the paradigm we are entering. I guess the best way to describe this last third of my life, is that I'll spend a whole lot less time and effort trying to adapt/respond to the constructs in place, and a whole lot more time trying to live these new ways, which I see coming in the near future.

(PS: This entire post has some wonky verb tense irregularities and inconsistencies, but I've left them as is to reflect the fact that things are changing so quickly!)