Monday, February 17, 2025

This Beautiful House

The other day, I said it was blustery in more ways than one, and I guess that applies today as well. Since last night, there have been wind gusts certainly up to 50 or 60 mph; I look back to childhood in this part of the world, and while I remember lots of snow, I certainly don't remember this kind of wind at any time of year, particularly in the winter. 

Something hit me very strongly, perhaps in a gust of wind. That is, that in effect, I have been a solo "Goddess community" for years now. In my recent narrative about driving around country, I said I liked driving alone, and I guess truthfully that preference extends to living, even though my financial non-functioning has made living alone in recent years impossible. It is simply that my way of being in the world has been rather unique, and it is sometimes better being alone to really solidify who you are. And the truth is, for me to wait until I find kindred spirits, to "find a Goddess-centered community", may not happen. I need to think of it at the moment as me being the community, and knowing that wherever I land in upcoming months will be the "location" of that community. It's not about rituals, or worship, or protesting against anything. It is just a case of values, and eventually, meeting and living with people who share my values. All along, it has been hard being post-duality, and now it seems nearly impossible...but every day that I'm still alive is another foundational brick, whether I write in this blog or add to my Goddess words, or not. 

What, in short, are the values of my community? That Mother Nature is the only one who "owns" the land. That as a community, we honor primarily Earth's needs, then secondarily, our own human ones. No one person has power over any other, or has the right to hurt or destroy any other person or being. (Indeed, in the larger sense, we simply do not have that power anyway.) The guiding spirit of the community is the Love of the Goddess, and the beauty, unity and harmony of that Love, and we work more in a circular, horizontal way to figure out solutions to problems. We turn to Her before making small or big personal or community changes. Love is the currency, not money. We share, and do things for the love of it, not for a paycheck. We understand we need to roll "with" the way that Earth is physically changing and what Mother Nature needs to do at this moment, not fight it. We need to pull back our human footprint, and do/use less, whenever possible, while encouraging the unique "being-ness" of each individual person. 

Some people may see this as "bluster". Some people may see this as unrealistic. But the reality that was created over so many generations is now waning. I feel pretty certain that I've already experienced the way of living that I just described, and I'd like to welcome people to the door of this beautiful house!