Saturday, February 15, 2025

Well, well

This is something else. It's not only the actions that stun, it is the sheer rage and hatred behind them. There is no way for reasonably good people to get into that same head space and react or operate that way. We need to try not to fear. If there are only two things in this world, love and fear (and I would suggest that "fear" is the "fear of love"), then being people of genuine love is really the only option. Just being who we are. I learned in my family that goodness, per se, was simply not welcome. Something like that is happening now on an enormous scale. Maybe it's been under the surface all along...

If I achieve nothing else moving forward, I just want people like me to know they are not alone. I had hoped that I would find more of a physical community of kindred spirits, to be in at this time. That hasn't been the case so far, but I know that we are a string of bright lights around the world, still glowing and still beautiful. Our main job is to remain beautiful, and to try not to focus on or reference other energies. And to my female friends, do the things that women have always done for all of human history: cook, bake, make clothes, care for others, teach, nurture, honor creation, create beauty. Women's work and perspectives are needed now more than ever. The Goddess is with us, appearances notwithstanding.