There are so many tragic facets to this time we are in. One of the most, for me, is knowing without a doubt that within months, many of the people who were cheering loudly a few months ago will be in a state of horror and shock. They didn't understand the true nature of what they were they must be beginning to. It's a hard way to learn a lesson...but it is a lesson humanity could and should have learned many centuries ago. When the divine feminine is not respected, when the earth and human women aren't respected and honored, life is too lopsided and there can be no sustainability. There can be no happy ending. It's like a car racing down a highway with flat tires on the left side. Sure, a driver may be able to keep the vehicle going for a while on the rims, but eventually there will be a spectacular crash.
The hardest thing I am finding right now is experiencing the massed emotions of hatred, fear, and contempt so very directly. I've always been sensitive to the negativity at the core of most of our institutions and structures, but enough buffers were in place to prevent it from being obvious. Now, the buffers are falling away, and all the outmoded evil has risen to the surface, to eventually dissolve. Being "just a witness" isn't really an option, because sabers of loathing are being thrust into all of us left and right, at every turn. All of our lives will be changed -- there is no safe high bluff from which to watch the so-called battle. In fact, those who assume they are safe, may be the least so.
We all have different roles to play at this time. We all made different agreements on the spiritual plane before coming into this lifetime, when such a huge earth transition would be taking place. One thing I know I need to do is try not to judge the validity of others' responses...I need to put all my energy into maintaining my own hold on Love. Just that "little" task is hard, hard, hard. I've had a cold this week which I think is unshed tears, but I don't seem to be able to cry. I guess it may be because I'm ultimately relieved that this Transition-to-All-Love has clearly started, and that I am still here for one more day, to witness it.