Monday, February 10, 2025

Goddess Words 38: Vision

Another day leaves me astonished and speechless, so all I can think of to do is to set another building block in place. For whatever it is worth, this is my 950th post. In a sense, all of them have contained "Goddess words", or at least the best I could do being the human I am in this time. Goddess willing, I will reach my thousandth post within a few months. Who would have thunk?

Vision. What did I have in mind twenty years ago when I added "vision" to my list? I am not sure, so I can only riff on what it means to me now.

One gift of the Goddess is literal vision, the capacity to see through one's own physical eyes the real physical view before them. As someone who has been very, very nearsighted for this entire lifetime, the fact that my vision has been correctable to nearly 20-20 has always been a really amazing gift. From reading music to reading books to driving a car to sailing a boat to knowing a place forever as soon as I have seen it once, these beautiful eyes of mine have supported my growth, travel, learning, and, at times, fun. They have supported creating and experiencing beauty. Half a century ago, my prescription required thick "soda bottle" lenses, and that was to some extent demoralizing...forget about appearing beautiful, anyway! But as time and technology went on, the dreaded plastics made possible more attractive, thin-lensed options. Of all the plastic items I'm grateful for, which influence my life for the better every day, my glasses and frames are at the top of the list.

Vision can, of course, be metaphoric. Being clear-seeing can require a lot of courage. Our current moment is a case in point. When your physical eyes work in tandem with your values, and you are willing to see behind and beyond the obvious, you may be on the road to being visionary, to seeing patterns that suggest how the future may pan out. Indeed, the moment may come when you see everything from your visionary core. Things may only become comprehensible from the lens (so to speak) of your spiritual perspective. I think this is about where I operate now, but even that is not, on the cosmic level, "20-20", or anywhere near. So...

What is 20-20 Goddess vision? I can't get myself into Her eyes, except to say that they see so very much more than we do. Her vision is undoubtedly not just "visual"/eye-based, but also intuitive, sensing, feeling, and growth-based. It's more of an energetic thing. On some level or another, the current state of the world may not even be visible to Her in the human sense of the word, since we have left Her original "vision" so far behind. It may be that she is relying much more on feeling the energy we are emitting because what we are manifesting is visually so painful. Yet even those feelings must be causing Her excruciating pain. 

I suspect that She has a very clear vision of how to get earth through this transition, and that Love is the main ingredient. Yikes, I am getting boring, but truly, I'm sure that this is the only path forward as we head into the Age of Aquarius. We aren't called to love things or people we don't love. But what we are called to do, in the worst of the chaos, is to remember what true love is, and what it feels like at the core of one's being. No matter what news you are confronted with early in the day, align with the vision and heart of the Goddess, yourself, your friends, and nature. Stay as calm and strong as you can.