Tuesday, August 18, 2015


In recent months, I have become more and more aware of birds, hummingbirds, moths and butterflies.  I am not sure why.  I think it may be partially because there is something so extraordinary about flight, and it has helped me feel some connection with the Divine to contemplate this facet of the richness of creation.  But it's also that I relate to the idea of flying...certainly, if I could have any (currently!) non-human physical attribute, it would be the freedom of flight.

Today, I saw a kestrel. According to Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, kestrels signify "mental speed, agility and grace...the kestrel is often a symbol for recognizing opportunities and acting upon them at only the correct moment."  Kestrels operate from a perch. He goes on to note that people with kestrels as their totem prefer to be where they "have a wide vision of everything around them."  This resonates...several of my happiest homes have had open views, either of the skyline of New York City, or Lake Superior or Lake Champlain, and I have up until now tended to think of my homes as "perches," rather than true permanent homes.

That may well be changing, and I'm not sure if there is a deeper lesson to kestrel showing up in my life today.  But I do appreciate being reminded that there are moments to perch, and moments to soar, and moments to grab opportunities and sustenance. Every day, may I become more and more sensitive to which moment I am "in"!