Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Many years ago, I wrote a story about angels.  Its premise was that they are all around us.  Unfortunately, like a lot of my creative output over the years, it ended up packed up in a box...if I ever find it, perhaps I will publish it here. 

I'm actually not a big angel person.  I've never directly experienced an angelic presence, seen an angel, or had dreams or visions that I attributed to that kind of spiritual being.  I don't own any "angel cards."  However, two days ago, as part of the Hay House World Summit offerings, I listened to a conversation with "angel expert" Kyle Gray.  Truthfully, I originally clicked on it because I was somewhat cynical about the title: "Raise Your Vibration with the Angels."  I certainly have been trying to raise my vibration, but just on principle, not because of wanting to connect with angels.  I don't know whether it is the effect of being in such a powerful transitional moment again or his delightful Scottish accent, but in the end, it was a really moving hour of listening, and his talk reminded me, at the very least, to be aware of the human angels in my life.

There have been many over the years, a living chain of beautiful, welcoming people who have not only made my offbeat journey possible, but who I truly believe are transformative beacons of love and light energy in the larger sense.  With my eyes more specifically attuned these last 48 hours, I have experienced the angelic in reconnecting with some people in Montana who were important in my journey (I lived here for two years several years ago.) I have also watched some excellent, sensitive medical staff deal with my Dad, who has had a cascade of issues hit him at almost-91. Our health care system may be quite broken, but I believe many -- perhaps even most -- of the individuals within it care deeply about other human beings and demonstrate an almost other-worldly level of patience, humor, professionalism and grace when dealing with their pained, uncomfortable patients.  A number of other smaller and larger "miracles" happened these last two days as well, making me, in this early hour of the morning, almost a believer!  At the very least, if I had forgotten my own message of twenty or more years ago, I think I've remembered it again, and will be keeping my eyes open...