Friday, July 15, 2016

...One Step Back

A very large, horrifying one.

We will all be immersed in this all day, and so I will be brief. But I wanted to write while the event and emotions are still fresh.

I can't speak for what others will do, or how all of us "should" respond to events like the one in Nice. I can only speak for myself. The first reaction was just immense sadness, and the sense that I had been brought to the basement once again to watch a film of the world's "lowlights." All those unanswerable questions, that sense of powerlessness, that sense of shame.

So the only way forward today, as it was yesterday as I dealt with a more personal variation on this theme, is to focus on love. To find something to love in the event. I know that in the end, the only power in the universe is Love. The only power I have today is to focus on it. I love how quickly and beautifully people came together to help one another. I love how people around the world genuinely care about what is happening, and want to live in a more love-filled world. I love how beautiful our world is. I love the fact that love is available to everyone, and that somehow in a way I don't understand this event is part of humanity's path forward toward more love, more peace. I hope that all of us, when presented with the choice of whether to love or to fear, will chose love. It's a harder path on a day like today. Yeah, it is.