Thursday, August 18, 2022

Goddess Words 7: Power

What is a woman to do when the world is losing its collective mind? Keep presenting Goddess words! And before I do, please know that this is just my personal list. It won't be exhaustive (I may keep adding to my original chart), and my stories and thoughts reflect only my unusual life and the perspective I have gained from it. Of course, make your own list, or journal about how these words manifest in your life, or draw a picture. or send a few "thank you's" to the heavens when you see the divine feminine at work in the world. Although it is kind of Old Paradigm to think of building blocks and constructing a foundation, the fact is that there are precious few Goddess constructs of any kind in the world, and it may be up to our generation of women to start that metaphorical work. I'm trying to envision a circular "building"...

So, "power". Very interesting. My 1970's era Concise Oxford Dictionary has as its first entry, "the ability to do or act", and while some online definitions are the same, others focus initially on power "over" others or situations. I'll leave it to scholars to analyze how or if we have changed in 45 or 50 years...but it seems to me that "power" and "power over" can be seen as two completely different entities. "Power" feels more inward, like gifts that come through you when your channels are open to divine Love. We use those gifts in the world, certainly, but it is because we cannot help it, and ideally it is to spread love in the world out in circular waves, not to control others or the environment. "Power over" is hierarchical, and has as its focus specific outcomes, often not related to genuine love. I don't think I have ever experienced the sensation of having power over anyone or anything outside of myself. As I go through the grieving process about how frustrating that has felt at times, I think I am beginning to more fully appreciate the inherent inner power of my gifts (writing, art, music, love, possibly even wisdom).

I have to keep reminding myself that Nature's current efforts to bring earth's environment back from the brink are not about "power over", however it may seem to people in the paths of storms and fires. I truly don't believe the Goddess is getting back at us, or doing some kind of tit-for-tat. Those are human constructs. It is simply that Nature has the awesome power necessary to bring the planet to a new viability, with or without our help. Underneath it all is pure, joyful, creative power that can see far beyond what our eyes can see and act far beyond what we are capable of doing. I sometimes wonder if "mankind's" often brutal acts of "power over" are an attempt to out-power Nature. If so, it will never work in the longterm. 

So many facets of genuine power come to mind; the power of life, the power of healing, the power of birth, the power of insight, the power of creativity, the power of beauty, the power of growth and transformation, the power of truth (with or without the capital T!). It's like there is a whole level and definition of power in our world that most of us -- male and female -- haven't really begun to access yet. It may be the only kind of power that will work at all going forward.

This week, Minnesota has been getting in on the action, with wave after wave of strong rainstorms, and subsequent flooding. My goal of making my way onto that rocky point to bask in the sun may have to wait a few more days. My personal goals have to take a back seat to Mother Nature's, and in the end, I'm so glad She is doing what She needs to do!